Egypt Grand Tours Safari Programs
Oases Program three

Luxor .................. Cairo

Kharga, Dakhla, Farafra and Bahariya. Four of the 'El Wahat ' Oases in the ' Wadi Gadeed' New Valley of the western desert. Each one having its own very personality.

Day 1
Early morning air conditioned bus from Luxor, arriving Kharga afternoon. Transfer to hotel. Welcome meeting.Time is short.

Day 2
Breakfast. Strong, comfortable shoes are needed! Enjoy the drive to the north of Kharga; climb the gentle slope to the Roman Temple/Fortress of Nadura .The view from here is stunning of the surrounding desert. Continue on to Bagawat and to the Christian Cemetery (believed to be of the oldest in the world and the best preserved). Nearby is the temple of Hibis (Persian 26 Dyn ), here we can only look at the outside of this temple as it is under a big restoration programme, worthy of a visit though. On to the center of Kharga and the "souk" within the old part of the city (chance to buy something to eat/drink), explore the small dark "Medieval" streets, mostly uninhabited.
Back to hotel evening free.

Day 3
Breakfast. Visit the Ptolemaic temple/Fortress of Qasr El Ghuieta (fortress of the beautiful garden). Onto the Roman Fortress/temple of Qasr El Zayyan, with its impressive enclosure wall. Stop for a drink near Sanaa.
Continue southwards through the ever changing desert scenery to Dush, a Temple/Fortress, which marks the southern frontier of the Roman Empire.
Return via Bulaq hot springs --- Are you ready for this???

Day 4
Breakfast. Kharga Museum contains many interesting artifacts from excavation both here and Dakhla. Onto the next Oases of Dakhla and the ever changing landscape, particularly the "yardangs" near Tineida.
First Stop, the Old Kingdom "Mastabas" at Qila El Dakhla. Note the unusual colour of the mud brick. Check in to hotel. Hot spring time. Evening free.

Day 5
Breakfast. Visit the old "Medieval" city of Qasr Dakhla, a well preserved labrynth of uninhabited narrow streets. On to Deir El Hagar, a Roman Temple, dedicated to the Theban Triad, Amun, Mut and khons.
Continue through the desert onto Farafra. No Hotels!! We are sleeping under the stars in the wonders of the White Western Desert. *** Don't forget you will need your sleeping bag or warm blanket).

Day 6
Drive on towards Baharyia, stopping at "Gebel El Izzaz" the beautiful "crystal" mountain. Drink stop. Arrive at Baharyia check into hotel. Hot spring time.
Evening free.

Day 7
Breakfast. Visit Mohamed Eed Museum and shopping for local crafts.
Leave for Cairo.



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